Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Theories of Consciousness

One theory of consciousness is that it is similar to a theater, with director, spotlight, and all the other elements (Baars' Global Workspace theory).

My belief is that insight is a lived experience. Insight is a result of observation and logic, as well as personal ethical principles. There are other elements of experience as well. Even if you do not believe in science or logic, you simply follow the logical principles whenever formulating any kind of insight or observation. There is basic truth, and division between truth and lies. The awareness of this is a key component of consciousness in my view.

Thoughts are never lies, are they? Do we ever tell ourselves things with the intention to lie? Often people misunderstand us, because we tell them things other than what we tell ourselves. Even if some people say, "you're deceiving yourself," we never do that on purpose. Inner speech is a thought, which we assume to be true, that is conscious. I read that theory on "onphilosophy.wordpress.com" and I believe they went on to refute it, but I think it's quite accurate. They say inner dialog is conscious thought. We even sound more authentic when we are thinking than when we are speaking. It feels like the "true us." That is why we should speak the truth. It helps unite the inner with the outer.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Objectivity, truth, and scientific inquiry

There are two aspects of truth in psychological research. One is the objective measurement of data without obscuring it in any way. The other is an ethical principle of absence of deceit. This is important because it combines a philosophical bent towards truth with a scientific pursuit of knowledge. Both, in effect, are aspects of truth and complement one another. Without one, the other is a lot weaker.