Friday, June 16, 2017

Golem was the only one who really loved the ring

Sauron was pure evil, except for his ring. However, his ring was still attached to him. The ring really was, like Isildur said, the one beautiful thing about Sauron. However, because it was attached to Sauron's menace, it had to be destroyed. Now, how could it be destroyed? Almost anyone who touched it instantly got attached to its magnificence and couldn't let go. They weren't in love with the ring, though. They loved it personally, for its power and grandeur.

Golem, however, loved the ring's power totally and absolutely. He saw something special in the ring. No matter where Golem turned in his life, there was despair and hunger. When he saw the ring though, he was free from all that. It brought him a glimmer of peace.

Image result for isildur

The only thing the ring needed to be freed from its dark side, Sauron, was to have someone unconditionally love it. Someone to love it not for its capability to bring power, but just because of its beauty. When Golem really showed it that the ring was loved, the ring did not need to be there anymore. It fulfilled its destiny. How did Golem love it when he was so despicable? The only good thing about Sauron was the ring, and the only good thing about Golem was his love for the ring. Golem was the opposite of Isildur. Golem was totally despicable except that he had the basic characteristic of love deep within him. That love was embodied by the creation of the most despicable creature Sauron, of something that truly was beautiful, the ring.

Isildur's bane killed him, but Isildur showed compassion for the ring. He knew that to destroy the ring would be to destroy the basic goodness that was within Sauron. That would mean making Sauron totally evil.

Yet Sauron threatened to bring doom to all of humanity if he returned. This was imminent. Sauron was destroyed by Golem loving Sauron with true devotion. The ring was the opposite of Sauron, yet made by Sauron. Golem became one with the ring, and disappeared forever.