Monday, December 31, 2018

My resolution is stop making resolutions

It's New Years Eve, and I thought of what to resolve to do. My dad said, "You know my resolution. No resolutions." That's his resolution every year. My dad actually could use a lot of changing, but I couldn't. My problem is I am always searching, always trying to improve. For me, his resolution is perfect. I googled it, and it's not an original idea. However, it's a good idea. Resolve to not resolve. It's a koan but it's also possible to live beyond the contradiction. Don't worry about failing once at it. Worry about failing more than once.

Endlessly self-improving won't get me anywhere. I will do this year what I have always done. I will be excellent.

July Update:

I have made several resolutions since my initial resolution. Therefore all-in-all maybe I have not succeeded. Then again, I have stopped "doing stuff." I stopped stirring the pot so much, so in a way that is not making resolutions. I don't demand that I change so much.

Carlos Castenada talked about being a "seer" vs being a "warrior." Being a seer requires just being. That has been what I've tried to do.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

By anonymous

He is I
The idea, the principle, the nature
It cuts, it's a sword
Of common sense
Heavy fact
Translucent image
Always alive
Never dies

Monday, April 30, 2018

Do you know

Do you know
Do you perceive
Yourself and the air
Between you and the trees
The sky opens
And who should appear
But the sun, shining at you

Wind of power
Field of electricity
El - El - El
Wind of prana
Where's my joy?
Yes, an idea
No, a concept
Now is Nature
For now and more

Work poem

Coming down
Work is hard
But fear you not
For the dawn will come
It's easy to think of beauty
But thinking of work
is nectar of bliss

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sta-tio-na-ry Bike

I don't use one
I walk
From place to place
A stationary gerbil of the land of the exercising priests
They shrug like it's a religion
They shrug like it's their purpose
Do they see?
Won't you -- Um
Uh won't you
Breath of
Ah: Won't you?
I just want --
I just want --
Uh, um
The incinerator

Quiet, for stagnation
And joy