Monday, December 31, 2018

My resolution is stop making resolutions

It's New Years Eve, and I thought of what to resolve to do. My dad said, "You know my resolution. No resolutions." That's his resolution every year. My dad actually could use a lot of changing, but I couldn't. My problem is I am always searching, always trying to improve. For me, his resolution is perfect. I googled it, and it's not an original idea. However, it's a good idea. Resolve to not resolve. It's a koan but it's also possible to live beyond the contradiction. Don't worry about failing once at it. Worry about failing more than once.

Endlessly self-improving won't get me anywhere. I will do this year what I have always done. I will be excellent.

July Update:

I have made several resolutions since my initial resolution. Therefore all-in-all maybe I have not succeeded. Then again, I have stopped "doing stuff." I stopped stirring the pot so much, so in a way that is not making resolutions. I don't demand that I change so much.

Carlos Castenada talked about being a "seer" vs being a "warrior." Being a seer requires just being. That has been what I've tried to do.