Saturday, January 5, 2019

Attempting the Absurd, Achieving the Impossible: Perfectly Managing Bipolar (Not successful yet)

My life's goal, besides continuing to teach psychology, is to completely manage my bipolar symptoms. I don't want a cure where I can stop taking medicine, but I want to never have a manic episode again. I have had about 8 of them. I am 32. If I have another one, it is not a failure. It is just another attempt that has not yet been successful. TAKE YOUR MEDS. That's step 1 to curing bipolar. Even if you don't go crazy anymore, you need the meds as a perfect insurance policy.

1. TAKE YOUR MEDS, for your father's sake
2. Keep sleep hygiene
3. Choose friends carefully
4. Choose lovers especially carefully (Work in progress on this one)
5. Eat healthy (Also a work in progress)
6. Take vitamins
7. Take Omega 3
8. Listen to your conscience (this was a Buddhist guru's advice)
9. Have a job that is engaging that doesn't ask you to work crazy hours. Don't do overnights.
10. Limit caffeine
11. Don't drink alcohol
12. Don't smoke
13. Don't do drugs
14. Take care of your family
15. Exercise
16. I like to meditate. You don't have to. But I do
17. Go to therapy
18. Go to support groups

If I can not have episodes for 10 years straight, I'll consider that a milestone. I will still take my meds and do all of these steps. I am driven. Now I have a real goal. I can do it. I have faith. And if not? A quote about Don Quijote in a similar vein:

Solo el que ensaya lo absurdo es capaz de conquistar lo imposible.

Only those who attempt the absurd are capable of achieving the impossible - Miguel de Unam