Monday, February 17, 2020

You can be content even while you're sad

All the emotions are acceptable, and the important thing is contentment even despite them. Discontent is something to be discontended about, but once you've figured this out then you can be content even when troubling emotions happen. Anger is OK. Grief is OK. Embarrassment is OK. Guilt is OK. Sadness is OK.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Everyone is superior to me (Even though I'm the One)

Image result for chosen one"

The Dalai Lama said that one should regard all others as superior.  How do we do this if we think we ourselves are great? Even if you are very grandiose is in the case of my bipolar disorder, it is possible.

I regard myself as the Chosen One, but I regard you and all others as Bigger than Jesus (Like the Beatles). It takes a lot of time and hard work, but that shift can happen. Then no matter how much of a man of destiny tone (as the BBC put it about someone) you happen to take, there will always be a Higher Power around you.

To put it a million times less mildly, you should reflect on the qualities others have that outmatch you. That is a humbling experience. You don't need to say, "I'm terrible," but you can say, "my father is better than me at making people laugh," or "My best friend is better than me at helping his fellow man." This is inspiring rather than humiliating. It may even boost your own self-esteem  because it won't waver as much .

Maybe we should accept our own grandiosity rather than fight it all the time. I don't know.