Sunday, November 6, 2016

Why We Ought To Contribute

There are two possibilities. Either we will live forever, or we will die. Perhaps we'll go on eternally in some heaven, or perhaps everything goes away in the end. If we die, then we owe it to ourselves to live every moment to the fullest before the evanescent world screeches to a halt for us. However, if that becomes a depressing thought, because it is fatalistic, and why bother? Then, it is time to realize that maybe we will live forever. Maybe our actions do have consequences. Maybe we can make a lasting difference. There is no proof that we can make a dent on this world, nor is there proof that our lives are meaningless. That ambiguity is the very reason we must live life to the fullest, today. We must make lives better for everyone, savor life, and be good people. It is the imperative.

Image result for marathon

In fact, it is very important to strive. Why? No reason. Strive for no reason at all. Greatness is a fantasy, but pursue it. Just work hard. If you fall into relaxation and laziness, it won't even feel that great. It feels exactly the same as striving, actually. There's always very fine and subtle discontent. Just try. 

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