Monday, January 2, 2017

Truth is an object and an idea

Evidently, classical philosophy was concerned with objects, like bodies, wars, and people. This is my present understanding of "object." Modern philosophy concerned itself with ideas, like, "justice," or "being" (though to a degree, classics did too). The notion of speaking truth, satya, is both an object and an idea. It combines rational certitude with empirical, objective reality. There is such a thing as a truth claim when you say something that you mean, and there is the idea of the permanence of this truth claim. Put otherwise, there are the physically spoken words, and then there is the meaning and essence of the words. Only truth has this nature. Lies do not. They are nonsense and have no actual ethereal essence.

There is some historical evidence for the fact that the essence of satya, truth, is unchanging. Here it is:

Think of the number 1. Has the number 1 ever changed its nature over the course of civilization? 1+1=2, 3-2=1. Of course there are more things learned about it, but will it ever be different than how you understood its essence when you first learned it in school? Is it possible in any universe for 1 to not have the nature of 1? I did a search for "1=1" and Google showed some bizarre results. I have news for you. 1=1. Remember that. People seem to be able to go to graduate school for 4 years and by the end they don't know that 1=1 anymore. It does.

Image result for neo you are the one

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