Thursday, August 29, 2019

To lose weight on antipsychotics, try staying hungry

There was a great post about general health and why being hungry sometimes isn't the worst thing.

Basically, we often think we're hungry when we're really just having cravings, and we never experience real hunger. If you really are starving or even very hungry, you should eat. However, a craving is something you don't need to indulge.

I was recently upped with my Depakote from 750 mg to 1000 mg a day. I soon gained 10 pounds, though my waist size fortunately is close to the same. Still, I exercise 3 days a week, walk every day, eat vegetarian, take protein supplements, and log my calories. What am I doing wrong? Well, with Depakote, there are metabolic factors. Therefore, the only answer is to sometimes let myself be hungry. The hunger is illusory in that it's just an extreme craving brought about by medication. My metabolism is slowed down so I know I don't really need the food. It's very unpleasant, but it'll pay off with with greater health, status, wellbeing, and insecure confidence. By insecure I mean it's no replacement for feeling like a good person, which has nothing to do with how much I weigh.

Of course, if you're anorexic don't follow that advice. Use common sense. Don't starve yourself. I'd recommend at least 1500 calories a day, which is a lot less than what I usually eat with the medicine.

Another piece of advice: Chew slowly. Chewing more times is not necessary, but the rate at which you chew food will help. So for example, if I chew 10 times in 5 seconds, change it to 10 times in 20 seconds. This causes you to really enjoy the food more after you adjust to it over a few days. You'll also eat less.

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