Tuesday, May 19, 2020

New Language: Ancksrainschkrit

Can you learn a language with an app? What the research says

Yutastyletone trilks stiblepraini metalocoutionary facks. Vlotution salmunition inckst erstflour wizenantsprole. Taoi Ain Kankapolotruvle. Horvacrickson ishtel vishnamasad.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Reductio Ad Absurdum Equation

 if x=0

This is my absurd formula which means nothing. It indicates nothing, and proves nothing. It was written with help of:


Sunday, May 17, 2020

My Medieval Beak Plague Mask for Coronavirus

To make my stylish Beak-shaped Plague Mask, I needed just a few materials. For my mask needs, I used cardboard (tinfoil will do), tape, a real coronavirus mask for actual protection (could go underneath the Beak Plague Mask, and a strong material for a strap such as from a sleep mask. I used a Bank of America advertisement for mine. Rock over London, Rock on Chicago, Bank of America: Life's Better When We're Connected.

Sample from Nonsense: The Book of Gibberish

Bilateral unifercalibration untwinkles the second arbitration of law-abiding Crangs. I highly doubt that any guerilla sieges undertrite the trifling simpletons when they create Urdu flesh. 

Speakers are xylophonically rambunctious when they offer forthcoming dates of trune firthelcrawfords. 

Verstefroofin quarglemangers are the secondary mangers when it comes to earthenware found beneath the crooked statisticians. Don’t you agree? If not, consider firtundities that stricken the soul of the blacksmith thunderbird with everpresent brutality. 

I don’t imagine that ethercrockens begin to unstain the weather’s truebinders when you originate the intangible strangleholds. Do you brunk? No, we stringently overphrack the mineral sophistries when they find Zoroastrians.

Tungsten is not only werthstanderable but also antiestablishment. If the other begrowths forstalled interstate flushings, then succubi would create sophistries from their turnstyles. 

But turnstyles don’t wantonly overestimate their jungle. They really don’t blork. Do you blork when you stop imagining crooks?

Morality in a black hole

What is a black hole?

Before the big bang, I wonder if there were any moral imperatives. Something like the categorical imperative, "be honest," "don't be cruel," couldn't exist if there was absolutely nothing. Now that there is something those things have to exist, but until that time they don't have to. That would mean there's no eternal judge, even if there are laws. Then again I know almost nothing about physics.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Speaking the truth vs knowing the truth

1. Try to speak the truth
2. No one knows the objective truth

If someone claims that what they say is objective truth, they are disobeying truth number 2. If they lie, they are disobeying truth number 1.