Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sample from Nonsense: The Book of Gibberish

Bilateral unifercalibration untwinkles the second arbitration of law-abiding Crangs. I highly doubt that any guerilla sieges undertrite the trifling simpletons when they create Urdu flesh. 

Speakers are xylophonically rambunctious when they offer forthcoming dates of trune firthelcrawfords. 

Verstefroofin quarglemangers are the secondary mangers when it comes to earthenware found beneath the crooked statisticians. Don’t you agree? If not, consider firtundities that stricken the soul of the blacksmith thunderbird with everpresent brutality. 

I don’t imagine that ethercrockens begin to unstain the weather’s truebinders when you originate the intangible strangleholds. Do you brunk? No, we stringently overphrack the mineral sophistries when they find Zoroastrians.

Tungsten is not only werthstanderable but also antiestablishment. If the other begrowths forstalled interstate flushings, then succubi would create sophistries from their turnstyles. 

But turnstyles don’t wantonly overestimate their jungle. They really don’t blork. Do you blork when you stop imagining crooks?

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