Wednesday, August 24, 2022

You can't put a limit on my Unlimited Sip Club!

 I know I like to think that I'm immune to the stuff, closer to the truth I say I can't get enough, I'm gonna have to face it I'm addicted to soda. I drank about 8 cans a day, plus two cups of coffee. I read Allen Carr's The Easy Way to Quit Caffeine, but I was treatment resistant. I talked to therapists, psychiatrists, family, friends, healers, and AA members. I was one of those unfortunate souls.

Then, I found the answer in the Unlimited Sip Club. They have a deal where you get Unlimited free soda and coffee for $10.99 a month. I signed up and saved 18 dollars a day, or about $328,000 dollars over my lifespan.

They don't like me too much over there, but I stuck it to the man.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Thinking inc.

Comment a thought of yours. I will think about it for at least 5 minutes undistractedly. I won't offer any advice, but I will process it in my mind.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

What happened when I switched from soda and coffee to coffee alone

 I used to drink 8 diet cokes a day and 6 cups of coffee a day. I went cold turkey on the soda while keeping the coffee. I usually drink coffee black, so it's fairly healthy. Here is the breakdown of effects:

Day 0: I felt great, and my mood improved.

Day 1: I slept well last night.. I felt increased energy at noon. I'm a better conversationalist, and I'm content. I have slight withdrawal in the form of tiredness, mental fog, low motivation, and irritability now. That is coming from the absence of artificial sweeteners.

Day 2: I woke up and my mom offered me tea, perhaps because I didn't drink all of her sodas recently. My dad too was nice. I woke up at 7:30 AM instead of the usual 11 AM when I'm off from teaching. That's good because for someone like me who is completely insane, sleep hygiene is important. I drank another black coffee today, studied Yiddish and Spanish, meditated, and texted my fiancé. It's 9:18 AM.