Saturday, October 22, 2016

Do Not Love Comfort

Confucius said, "The scholar who loves comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar." It's not one of those made-up Confucius say sayings, this one he really said. It's true. To delight in the truth (also Confucius) is greater than loving or knowing the truth. However. If you delight in the truth you must allow a little bit of discomfort. That means sleeping less than 12 hours a night, not gorging yourself with food, and not relaxing on the sofa all the time.

This is not me saying these things, it's Confucius's quotes. He did not have sofas in his time though. Or did he? Either way, wisdom is not free. It takes hard work. It takes work to meditate when you're feeling lazy, and it takes work to ask real questions. It takes work to study a little bit extra, and to wake up early. It takes restraint to not eat that extra snack that would otherwise slow you down and waste time. We don't have a lot of time on this Earth. People may think that means you should party and live for now, and maybe, but it also means trying to know. Don't we all want to know?

Image result for guy on couch

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

You lack discipline

Keeping a routine shows that you have discipline. You should be able to have a simple, daily regimen of healthy things that really keep you sane and balanced. On the other hand, intensity and perseverance are something else entirely. That is not discipline. Getting that extra rep when you lift is not discipline. It is worthwhile, but it is something else. It is strength, and intensity. Discipline is waking up a the same time every day, eating the same amount most days, and doing good healthy things each day. Do you have discipline?

Trying Out Christ

My friend who is a minister-in-training told me if I wanted to root my faith, pray, then read the bible. I am a Zen Buddhist by training so I don't necessarily believe in God. I tried this little Christian experiment. My old personality came back, which was refreshing. Also, I stopped worrying if people talked about me. These were small "gifts," if you will. I'm still not completely converted as my scientific thought doesn't lead me down that road. Also, why surrender to a King? Even the King of Kings? It may be worth it, but I don't need to be a perfect sage who is totally humble before the higher power. I'm just a small, arrogant little grain of sand.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sleeping on the floor day two, and what I will do differently

I attempted sleeping on the floor, and lie awake for 4 hours. I fell asleep after getting into bed, and slept 7 or so hours comfortably. However, now that I have worked all day, will lift weights and do yoga and tai chi likely, and will study and meditate, I may be tired enough to fall asleep on the floor. It is supposed to be very humbling, so I will persist because I am overwhelmingly conceited.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sleeping on the Floor


I will sleep on the floor tonight. My lifestyle is somewhat monkish already, and I am sleeping on the floor tonight because I am trying to curb my libido. Also, I have heard it is humbling to sleep on the floor, which is probably true because you're grounding yourself and physically being in a low spot. I have slept on the floor before, and always felt it enjoyable, even if I ended up with a slight cold afterward. I picked a spot tonight in my room that's not full of cathair as I am allergic, and my floor is wooden. I'm using a yoga mat and a sleeping bag, and sleeping on my back.

So far I fell asleep for five minutes, of stage 1 sleep. The back of my head was hurting a little as I tried to fall asleep, which took an hour, but I am told not to use a pillow if I want to get the optimal health benefits of improved posture. I will try to repost about how this sleeping on the floor experiment goes.