Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sleeping on the Floor


I will sleep on the floor tonight. My lifestyle is somewhat monkish already, and I am sleeping on the floor tonight because I am trying to curb my libido. Also, I have heard it is humbling to sleep on the floor, which is probably true because you're grounding yourself and physically being in a low spot. I have slept on the floor before, and always felt it enjoyable, even if I ended up with a slight cold afterward. I picked a spot tonight in my room that's not full of cathair as I am allergic, and my floor is wooden. I'm using a yoga mat and a sleeping bag, and sleeping on my back.

So far I fell asleep for five minutes, of stage 1 sleep. The back of my head was hurting a little as I tried to fall asleep, which took an hour, but I am told not to use a pillow if I want to get the optimal health benefits of improved posture. I will try to repost about how this sleeping on the floor experiment goes.

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