Sunday, April 23, 2017

Double Jokes are not Funny. There are no contradictions

When you see a parody of a parody, for example Austin Powers 3, it is not funny. It parodied Austin Powers 1. Austin Powers 1 was a parody of James Bond. Therefore Austin Powers 3 was not funny. Jokes about jokes are not funny. Take this simple python code:

>>> joke="joke"
>>> not "joke"
>>> not not "joke"
>>> not not not "joke"
>>> not not not "joke"
>>> not not not not "joke"

It is really the same as the Principle of Noncontradiction. It is possible to attempt to lie, but the nature of the lie is lllusory. The nature of illusion is illusion, and unreality. An unfunny joke is the same thing. A joke about a joke is an illusory humor. It is not funny. That is absolute. So it is possible to try, but it does not represent the all-funny nature of things. Creating contradictions does not expose the unreality of the world, but rather the unreality of the contradiction.

For that matter, Pythagoras claimed that there were no irrational numbers. That may even be true. The square root of 2 may be an illusion. Everything has at least 1 flaw, and everything being funny has the flaw of the double joke. Pythagoreans' flaw was the square root of 2. "Everything is one"'s flaw is "what if you don't believe that? Then everything's 2." Logic's flaw is that people can deny logic. However, all of those things are simply illusions. If you deny logic, you are not logical. Logically, that is true. If you make an unfunny non-joke, it is just not funny. If you see everything as dualistic, you are just in illusion. Illusion is not true. Logic tells us that.

Double jokes are not funny. 

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