Friday, April 14, 2017

Proofs For and Against God

The Transcendental Argument for God from Morality states this:

1. Some moral values are universal imperatives (e.g. "Don't kill, don't lie, don't steal, don't cheat")

2. Universal imperatives need a lawgiver

3. That lawgiver is God

That argument is strong but is not 100% valid, because laws might exist simultaneously with a cyclic and endless universe. There are many laws with less than perfect lawmakers which are still good laws. However, this argument against the God as described in the Bible is metaphysically certain:

1. Some moral values are absolute universal imperatives (e.g. "Don't kill, don't lie, don't steal, don't cheat")

2. God has disobeyed some universal moral imperatives, particularly, "Don't kill." He killed many people. He killed Jesus for starters. He also killed everyone except Noah and his wife once.

3. Any God that disobeys absolute universal imperatives is not a moral God

So God may exist the way the Bible describes, but that God is not moral. However, God may still exist. He just isn't the way the Bible describes him. That's where the first proof is more likely.

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