Sunday, May 12, 2019

I Will Write Down My Expenses This Month

This month I'm going to write down everything I spend, as one blogger puts it, all the way down to a bottle of soda. I actually buy a lot of soda so that's not nothing. I mostly buy food, but it's expensive food. I'll see if that can reduce my spending and increase the amount of money I have.

When I really recorded my eating habits, my calories were reduced just from doing that. I gained most of the weight back but also put on a lot of muscle from lifting. So I'll see if the same can happen with writing down my expenses. Maybe just having to go through the hassle of recording it will make me save. It is an experiment.

PART 2 (July 21st 2019)

I wrote down my expenses for a month. I showed you the "before" picture, what I was thinking and everything. Now is the aftermath. I cut down my fast food expenses a lot. Some days I managed to go from spending 20 dollars a day to maybe $2.12 a day. The $2.12 would be on a bottle of soda or something. Some days I didn't even spend any money at all. 0 dollars. That feels really good to see in an Excel spreadsheet.

It made me a little more aware of how much money I was taking in. I decided to apply for a second job as I tracked my expenses.

Overall, I think it can't hurt to do this kind of thing. Tracking your behavior is a good way to improve. I have tracked my calories through, I've tracked my moods through, and now I track my finances. Actually, part 3 shall be looking for apps to track finances.

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