Monday, March 30, 2020

Thinking You're Christ while Manic

When one goes manic, there is a tendency to think in grandiose terms. I tend to think, “I am enlightened,” or “I am Buddha,” or “I am Christ,” or “I am the Ultimate Warrior.” Once the pattern is broken, it’s OK to feel empowered in appropriate ways. Even thinking, “I am Christ!” is OK, as long as you don’t go around acting on that idea. You think it, feel empowered, then let it go. It is not a sign of defeat. It may be a sign that you are not all the way there if you still have vaguely delusional thoughts. Still, you can be a very good person despite having a flaw like this. Again, having manic symptoms does not make you a failure nor does it make you a loser. It does not mean you’re selfish, and it does not mean you’re weak. It’s a disorder that you’re working very hard on.

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