Saturday, April 4, 2020

Don't compare; focus on the other?

Most arguments about comparing yourself to others say, "don't compare; focus on you." I suggest the opposite. "Don't compare; focus on the other person." Sometimes other people are jerks to you. You don't need to say to yourself, "Well am I a jerk too?" If you get so defensive like this you'll have a serious hit to your own confidence. I don't know if other people do this. I know that I do it all the time. Whenever I start to judge other people I turn it on myself and compare myself to them, listing all the ways I'm just as bad. We don't have to level the playing field in that way. Sure, each of us is good and bad in our own ways, but let yourself feel anger. I am angry towards those who have wronged me. I don't have to turn the anger on myself.

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