Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sometimes I'm pure good, sometimes I'm pure evil. Mostly I'm in the middle

Sometimes, I'm pure evil. Sometimes, I'm pure good. Mostly, I'm in the middle. It always changes and there's no relying on one thing. These concepts are real. Evil is a real thing, and sometimes we are all that.

I want to change the meaning of shame and guilt. Shame means "I'm always bad," guilt means, "I'm never bad but my actions are." Both of these are incorrect. Instead, much great shame for when you were evil, and much great pride for when you were good. The self always changes, so we can't limit it to being "good with bad actions" or "totally evil." The duality of good and evil makes sense, but it's time oriented.

Friday, April 17, 2020

the Speak the Truth Proof of God

  1. Speak the Truth
  2. Assume #1 is true via the Categorical Imperative
  3. Speaking the Truth is perfection
  4. The only thing that could possibly be perfect is God
  5. Speaking the Truth exists
  6. “Speak the Truth” is ALWAYS true
  7. Speaking the Truth is partaking in God
  8. God is the only one who is Constantly Speaking the Truth
  9. God exists Q.E.D.
Or for a simplified version:

1. Speaking the Truth is perfection
2. The only thing that could possibly be perfect is God
3. Speaking the Truth exists
4. God exists Q.E.D.

Or for a more practical version:

1. You shouldn't go around lying to everyone
2. 1 is an absolute truth
3. Only God could ever be absolute truth
4. God is real

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Maybe someone can be Happy All The Time

Or at least not unhappy. The Buddha said it, and who knows? Maybe he's right. Even Buddhists don't usually think that way. They don't think the Buddha was never sad, but maybe he wasn't. Maybe he was. Maybe other people have never been sad or angry. We can dream, right? Who says we have to settle for ordinary human unhappiness? Freud? So what?

On the other hand, maybe we should all try to be unhappy all the time. Then through reverse psychology we'll all be happy. Or we'll have accomplished our goal and be unhappy, so win win.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Don't reject your former self

My grandiosity subsided. I was no longer on top of the world. As the coronavirus isolated everyone, I instead became depressed. I don't think I'm the Chosen One anymore, but I also reject the former me who did. He thought he was the best in the world. Then, I began looking down on that notion. "Anyone who thinks they're the best is truly deluded." True, but there was something to it as well. I was trusting of my innermost common sense and conscience. That was the perfection I saw. While true, I'm not perfect, it is also true that I should not reject my bipolar self. He's a person too.

This goes for anyone, ill or not. Don't reject your former self. Accept both the you that you are now, and the you that you used to be. Integrate the two.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Don't compare; focus on the other?

Most arguments about comparing yourself to others say, "don't compare; focus on you." I suggest the opposite. "Don't compare; focus on the other person." Sometimes other people are jerks to you. You don't need to say to yourself, "Well am I a jerk too?" If you get so defensive like this you'll have a serious hit to your own confidence. I don't know if other people do this. I know that I do it all the time. Whenever I start to judge other people I turn it on myself and compare myself to them, listing all the ways I'm just as bad. We don't have to level the playing field in that way. Sure, each of us is good and bad in our own ways, but let yourself feel anger. I am angry towards those who have wronged me. I don't have to turn the anger on myself.