Monday, April 13, 2020

Don't reject your former self

My grandiosity subsided. I was no longer on top of the world. As the coronavirus isolated everyone, I instead became depressed. I don't think I'm the Chosen One anymore, but I also reject the former me who did. He thought he was the best in the world. Then, I began looking down on that notion. "Anyone who thinks they're the best is truly deluded." True, but there was something to it as well. I was trusting of my innermost common sense and conscience. That was the perfection I saw. While true, I'm not perfect, it is also true that I should not reject my bipolar self. He's a person too.

This goes for anyone, ill or not. Don't reject your former self. Accept both the you that you are now, and the you that you used to be. Integrate the two.

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