Sunday, September 27, 2020

Compassion Might Not Matter Nor Exist - The Case of Trump

President Trump is talked about pretty frequently. I think he's kind of a jerk from what I've seen. However, people claim that he's hurt the world immeasurably. In the long term, do we know this? Do we know what any human life will amount to? Lets look at the logic here.

What if Trump caused the coronavirus quarantine to be much longer and hurt humanity greatly? Perhaps he then helped the natural world because humans suck. So he might have intended to cause harm, and he might have harmed some beings, but not all. He wasn't trying to help the Earth, but he might have.

He has destroyed the Republican party and turned them all into bitches. Maybe that means the end of the Republican Party in the future? That would be a good thing too. So again he's helped.

What is compassion anyway? If someone intends to help and actually helps, that's compassionate. But what if someone intends to help, does all the right things, and their impact was still negative? The guy who ate the bat certainly didn't intend to shut down the entire world. But he did. He had an impact certainly. We never know what our impact on the world is. Even if we have bad intentions, it doesn't seem to matter. It could be completely random. 

I don't know that anyone ever really helps or hurts. However, just in case I'm wrong, I'll still try to help. I'll be voting Democrat in November. 

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