Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Weight loss with bipolar through using the hunger scale

Image result for hunger scale

With this scale, you can rate how hungry you are numerically and then eat based on the number. It quantifies your feeling. It changes a subjective, kind of vague account to something real. It also lets you detach from your hunger a little instead of giving in to cravings. I have bipolar, as I've pointed out before. I am often craving food due to my meds. However, the craving never gets beyond a "4". Once it's at a 3 I'll eat. I changed it a little so that "3" = "very hungry, but not famished" and "2" = "very hungry AND famished/feeling weak." In a sense I wait until I'm at a 2 because I often have false hunger cues with my medications. This is helpful though. It makes eating more of a science than a shame-based behavior. So far I've gone from 218 pounds to 211 pounds in about three weeks. I do many other things for diet, but the hunger scale is clearly one of the most effective. I highly recommend it.

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