Sunday, January 5, 2020

Zero Spending Month

If you're on a low budget, it makes sense to do a financial diet. If you can spend nothing for an entire day, you feel better. I've done this before with some success. I've had multiple zero-spending days. Now it's time to extend that to a zero-spending month. Why? I'm on a low budget. 

You can feel sort of monkish to spend nothing, and it allows you a lot of free time and ease from worry. If I have nothing to spend on, then I have nothing to worry about. The only limit is that I need to buy food, but definitely not fast food or soda. There are financial websites such as this one: 

They can help you to see where your spending is at. If you don't want for anything, then you will be content. If you can do it for a day, you can do it for a month. Then, you'll have money to spare and can travel, invest, save up, or be more financially independent. All of those things sound good to me. I've done zero-spending days. I'll update you on the zero-spending month. Thanks for reading. 

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