Monday, August 17, 2020

Competitive happiness is OK.

What if happiness is a goal to be attained? What if it's OK to want the most happiness? Spirituality of all traditions teaches us to balk at competition. What if the happiest people are those who strive the most? Maybe all of this "everyone's a winner" stuff is just nonsense. I want happiness. I'm sure you do too. I want you to be happy, but the thing I care most about is my own happiness. That is universal, unless MAYBE if you have kids and you want them to be happiest. Still, you can be goal-oriented and happy even if you still wish for others to be happy. There's nothing wrong with being a performance oriented person.

I'm not saying I'm correct. I'm just considering this position for today. Maybe you would agree with it. It's food for thought. 

How do mountain climbers retrieve ropes?

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