Wednesday, August 26, 2020

People want to feel sorry for you

If you are truly honest with people, they will pity you as a way to dominate you. If you are better than them in every way they'll invent some way to pity you or ignore the good news you give them.

I think this is why people bullshit to make themselves look great. It's not just that they want people to be jealous. They also don't want people pitying them. I am courageous enough to be fully transparent even though almost everyone pities me for it. It's their problem, not mine.

I used to think I felt sorry for myself because other people felt sorry for me. In other words, I thought, "It sucks when people pity me. My life sucks because of their pity." Then, once I got everything I wanted in the world and people still pitied me, I no longer pitied myself for it. Then I realized that my self pity wasn't because of their pity. It was independent. I knew this because people still pity me, but I no longer care. Self pity is our own creation. I have had it and it was nobody's fault but mine. Now, other people pitying me is totally their fault. In fact, their pity for me would have been there all along either way. I didn't cause it.

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