Friday, August 28, 2020

Is it heaven or hell

 I died and wasn't told if I was going to eternal heaven or eternal hell. I was only told it was one of the two. I told another traveller, "I'm afraid." He was a jolly man who said, "but there is no eternal hell. Don't be afraid." I walked into the mansion where I would reside. The jolly man walked to the opposite hallway. I saw a fridge filled only with ice, and thought, "I wonder if I went to hell and that man went to heaven. I'll go down the hallway to check out his palace." His was equally nice and had better luxuries. I sat there as more people walked in the room. First 5 men, then two women. The men were jolly, so I thought, "this is the good life". The women were suspicious of all the men, so I thought, "for these women, this is not heaven. But I wouldn't mind them being here." I woke up. It was a dream, but perhaps a prophetic one.

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